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Waldorf News

Trauma Informed Practice: Developing courage for truth, capacity for imagination and a commitment to responsible support

Working in Kindergarten, visiting many early childhood settings and talking to colleagues has enabled me to understand some of the impact of the pandemic on young children’s development, but clearly children were already experiencing stress even before 2020 and many aspects of modern life are having an ongoing impact on resilience, wellbeing, and children’s development. In all our kindergartens we can regularly see examples of children who are experiencing sensory overload, more and more are touch averse, struggling to connect with others, growing numbers with communication difficulties (Rainer Patzlaff, 2007) 5. In recent years most children have been exposed to adults’ discussions about their fears – about the pandemic, the conflicts raging around the world and environmental disaster. We are transferring our own stress and anxiety onto the youngest members of our society and the impact is obvious. More »

Greetings from the Lakota Waldorf School!

This has been a very full, exciting, and beautiful school year! We would like to extend a very special thank you to all our teaching staff, office personnel, and everyone who helped make this year an amazing learning and growing experience for our students. We would also like to thank our supporters who make our work at the Lakota Waldorf School possible! Our school always relies on donations to provide education to the children on the Pine Ridge Reservation, and every donation, no matter its size, is tremendously appreciated and reaffirms our commitment to our work. More »

Pokuttia Waldorf School in Ukraine

Not far from the Dniester River, in a picturesque corner of the Carpathian foothills, the small Pokuttian town of Horodenka could almost be overlooked. It’s an average town, like many in Western Ukraine. One unique element, however, distinguishes Horodenka from its neighboring settlements, and that is Waldorf pedagogy. Little Horodenka has gained fame as a pioneer in Waldorf education in Ukraine and the Western region. It all started at the dawn of Ukrainian independence, when two young leaders of the Narodniy Movement, a Ukrainian political organization that fought the Communists for the independence of Ukraine, became students of the first All-Ukrainian Waldorf Pedagogical Seminar held in Odesa under the patronage of the International Waldorf Association. More »

Stories from the American Journey: Men and Women Whose Lives and Deeds Express the Ideals of a Nation - A New Book by Karl Fredrickson

This is a book of my favorite stories from forty years in the classroom, teaching history to eighth through twelfth graders. I am glad to be able to offer them to those who bring history to the next generation of Waldorf students. I feel deep gratitude for having had the opportunity to share in the life of this great Waldorf community. My thanks go to all of you who carry on this work.  There are some 80 stories in this book. Feel free to open to any place within these 525 pages and dive in. They will take you to many famous people and events, but also to others less well known. I wrote them with teachers in mind, but they may also be enjoyed by students, parents and the general public. And you will find more history resources on the website. I began my teaching career keenly aware of the deeply troubling sides of our history. I soon discovered that it is often in those darkest moments, when injustice raises its head or when the nation is in crisis, where we find the best examples of heroic action, where the human spirit shines most brightly.  These stories are meant to help us reflect on the ideals we have come to live by, to bring us closer to the American spirit. More »

Feeding the Future: An Exemplary School Food Program at Living Oaks

In an era where school lunch programs have largely devolved to reheating commercially produced, frozen foods – prioritizing cost, convenience, and adherence to grossly inadequate federal nutrition guidelines over genuine dietary value – it’s clear that our children’s health and well-being are under threat. Not only are these meals highly processed, but, since they are now often sourced through fast food companies, many are contaminated with toxins while being mainly devoid of real nutrition.* In the midst of this growing nutritional crisis, the Living Oaks Private Educational Association, in Dripping Springs, Texas, is a paragon of what school food programs can and should be. More »

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