Waldorf News

What Moves You? the international youth eurythmy event 2016

Every two years What Moves You? brings together a eurythmic community of youth, teachers and numerous supporters from around the world. The next event is in Summer 2016 in Berlin. The gallery of photos below are from the 2012 and 2014 events. It’s never too early to start planning for something like this. —Ed.

The world is ever changing — but what has value lives on. This is especially true for eurythmy. Yes, it is 100 years old, yet it remains fresh and new today. Eurythmy is living speech, it is sculpture in motion and has lost none of its vitality or energy today.

At the start of the 20th century, Rudolf Steiner developed eurythmy, an art of movement which brings expression to words and music through choreography and gesture.

There are so many sides to eurythmy! It is a performance art; it is a core element of Waldorf education, and it is an effective therapeutic approach. It accompanies children on their individual paths of development. It impacts our capacity to make decisions in daily life. It orients us towards health and sustainability. Eurythmy offers a powerful counterbalance to the one-sidedness of modern life. It can reestablish the harmony between head, heart, and hands and thus foster the conditions for actively shaping the course of our world.

Eurythmy was established at the beginning of the 20th century. The new art form has developed continuously over the course of the past 100 years, for eurythmy is tied in directly with the development of the human being. As our view of the world changes, eurythmy changes. With new ways of seeing, new forms appear and new applications for eurythmy arise. Eurythmy has grown with the needs of the modern world. It is the connection of the human being to itself, for it helps us to reestablish harmony within ourselves. It is a powerful life force, especially in an age so strongly influenced by rationality and economic thinking. —from whatmovesyou.de

Learn more about the 2016 event at whatmovesyou.de

WHAT MOVES YOU is an independent youth project to foster the art of Eurythmy. It combines different countries, cultures and people into a single goal: to engage in this movement and to create extraordinary experiences.

Summer 2016, specific dates T.B.A.

An international group of 80 young adults (aged 17 — 23)

Rehearsing and performing an Eurythmy program especially designed for this project.

Requirements for Participation

  • Experience with eurythmy (Waldorf student or documentation indicating participation in a general eurythmy course). Please note: this program is not for students in formal eurythmy training programs, or graduates of such programs
  • A written application describing your interest in the project, and confirmation of past experience with eurythmy. If applicable please also provide written permission from your school
  • Ability to communicate in at least one of the course languages: German or English


  • Participants are responsible for their own travel costs to and from Berlin
  • Course fee (Euro 800,— plus 25,— application fee) includes room and board, and all course costs

Scholarship requests will be considered upon request for those accepted to the project.

Travel Cost Support
Financing or contributions are available for participants travelling from overseas (upon request).

Comfortable accommodations on the school campus

  • Quiet rooms and areas
  • Cafeteria for shared meals

Supervision and Support

  • Courses and Events
    — Course leaders: experienced teachers and artists
  • On-Site Day and Night
    — Experienced supervisors and volunteers
    — First aid


  • Five hours of eurythmy rehearsal daily (four different courses)
  • Three weekly seminars (various arts and humanities topics, including painting, philosophy, history, and music)
  • Lectures and presentations
  • Tours and leisure time in and around Berlin
  • Spontaneous initiatives
  • Free time on weekends
  • Final week: intensive rehearsals

Applications welcome from 15 October 2015. Interested? Sign up to our newsletter and stay informed.