Waldorf News

New Waldorf Inspired Publicly Funded School in Colorado: North Fork School of Integrated Studies

By Thesa Callinicos

In the magical little valley of the North Fork of the Gunnison River, things have been stirring.  A small community of like-minded people have come together to educate their children from the inside out.  Since the 1970’s, creative individuals seeking a simpler lifestyle settled this valley, bringing their intelligence and skills.  Cottage industries sprang up to complement the coal mining and the fruit growing industries.  Once known as the Fruit Capital of the West, the North Fork Valley today has the largest concentration of biodynamic and organic farms and vineyards in Colorado.

Due to its rich offering of the arts, the valley has been recognized by the State of Colorado as a “Creative District.”  A thriving community of farmers, ranchers, artists, musicians, craftspeople, and outdoor enthusiasts live nestled together, closely tied to the earth.  So it comes as no surprise that in this vibrant valley, Waldorf Educational methods have taken root.

Most publicly-funded, Waldorf-method schools in America are charter schools, but in Paonia, Colorado, the Delta County School District invited this grassroots initiative to join the local elementary school, and operate as a “school within a school,” using Waldorf methods.

A group of parents wishing for a Waldorf choice for their children, understood that Delta County, although rich in culture, is one of Colorado’s poorest counties and could not sustain a private Waldorf school that depends on tuition. Support for a charter school came from the Biodynamic community and the many artists and businesses in the valley, but the problem identified by the community was the issue of  dividing such a small population and “diluting” funds with too many educational choices. The county already boasts a Montessori school and a state-funded homeschool group.

At the end of July 2015, the district offered this small group of parents and teachers in the North Fork Valley a chance to begin a ‘magnet’ school with a holistic, integrated curriculum using Waldorf methods. The district would collect the government funds for each child and the principal of Paonia Elementary would administer the new school. The group agreed to try it.

The group had two weeks to get the word out and to find enough children to have a minimum of eight in each of two classes, grades K/ 1, 2 and 3/4. By this time it was the first week of August 2015 and school was slated to begin August 19th, 2015. Two classrooms needed to be painted and prepared, qualified teachers, with a knowledge of Waldorf methods needed to be hired, and Waldorf-specific supplies had to be ordered. The parents rallied.

On opening day there were 23 children enrolled and 7 children for the 1st grade Rose Ceremony in the new school, North Fork School of Integrated Studies.

The group considers it a miracle that the school opened in such a short time.  Today there are 25 students attending classes led by two kind, intelligent and  highly qualified teachers who have been studying Waldorf methods for five  years. The teachers are also studying to obtain their Colorado Teaching Certificates, as required by the school district. The school plans to add a new grade each year through 6th grade. We are currently accepting enrollment for the 2016-2017 school year.

The methods of a Waldorf-inspired school are based on a model that follows specific developmental stages of childhood. Content is presented in a way that speaks to the child’s developmental stage. Subjects are integrated and presented in depth in a two hour morning lesson. Art is infused in every subject, be it math, science or language. Each subject is presented through direct experience and augmented with movement, poetry, music, and drama. The world is presented as an interesting and beautiful place. The teacher’s aim is to draw out the children’s inherent abilities by creating an atmosphere in the classroom that consistently sparks the children’s interest, wonder and enthusiasm.

The North Fork School of Integrated Studies is based in the North Fork Valley, a setting that is ideal for a Waldorf inspired program.  Our town of Paonia  attracts  creative people who have an interest in sustainable lifestyle. This has resulted in a  community of strong individuals, and a growing art scene nestled in the western slope of the Rocky Mountains. When you drive into town and first see the two blocks of main street, it can be hard to believe that this little town supports such a vibrant community. However, after a few days you will discover a volunteer staffed public radio station KVNF, and a community owned theater, The Paradise, as well as several art galleries and farm to table eateries. Now there is a choice of educational methods, including a tuition free school with Waldorf educational methods.

For more information call,
Principal, Sam Cox, tel. 970-527-3639
Ask for North Fork School of Integrated Studies

P.O. Box 1179
430 Box Elder Ave.
Paonia, CO 81428