Waldorf News

Waldorf Education: A Family Guide, Completely Revised, Second Edition

Waldorf Education: A Family Guide
Edited by Pamela Johnson Fenner
Michaelmas Press
Second Edition
310 pp.Reviewed by DK, Waldorf TodayThere are over 88 articles in Waldorf Education: A Family Guide.88. It’s a staggering number. The incredible part of it is that all the articles hang together. It’s an epic editorial task in itself, which Pam Fenner has pulled off magnificently.

Waldorf Education: A Family Guide is an illustrated collection of essays drawing on the wisdom and enthusiasm over 65 Waldorf teachers, administrators, and parents from around the world. What began over 30 years ago as a version of a parent handbook for the Marin Waldorf School has metamorphosed into a treasure for parents and teachers.

Each of the articles could be a book in itself, but the authors restrained themselves to only two to four pages each. This has the effect of condensing and distilling the subject matter, making it all the more potent and exciting. Parents new to Waldorf education will find the topics relevant and the style accessible.

The eight chapters include:

  • Waldorf Education: A Path for the Future
  • Early Childhood Through High School
  • Humanities and Science
  • Other Aspects of Waldorf Education
  • Reflections on the Art of Waldorf Teaching
  • Waldorf Education and Family Life
  • Seasonal Celebrations
  • I Look into the World: Initiatives Inspired by Waldorf Education

This edition has been produced with much care and thought. The soft pencil illustrations by MaryBeth Rapisardo enhance the articles. And many of the articles have been revisited and written anew for a changing Waldorf world. It’s a lively, artistic view of Waldorf life which everyone should read.

Learn more about Waldorf Education: A Family Guide here