Waldorf News
Rudolf Steiner and the Renewal of our Cultural Life
By Torin M Finser, PhD
In the context of current social, economic and political events, I have a growing sense that humanity may finally muster sufficient motivation to seriously engage in the seminal ideas on three-folding introduced by Rudolf Steiner over a century ago.
How do we find equality in the ‘rights life’ in the face of seismic shifts towards totalitarianism around the world? How do we find each other as caring humans in the economic realm when income inequality and rule by millionaires seems to be the new normal? And are people even aware of the alarming loss of freedom in the cultural life today?
How can we preserve an inner life in the face of sensory, emotional and intellectual pollution streaming towards us, threatening to overwhelm the often quiet voice of conscience?
In a recent school visit I found myself in conversation about how schools, institutes and community initiatives need to collaborate as never before to guard our freedom in the cultural sphere so that: children can be educated based on developmental insights (not politically motived mandates), teachers are free to teach with spontaneous creativity (not bound by standardized goals) and administrators/leaders can make decisions on behalf of those they serve (not just out of compliance or financial constraints). Freedom is a spiritual condition that is hard to win and easy to lose.
Starting with the publication of his seminal work, Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path: A Philosophy of Freedom, Rudolf Steiner describes sense free thinking as a pathway towards an experience of freedom. This form of thinking has a profound moral quality.
Human beings are freely creative when this strenuous activity results in something new in the world, when we are not simply beholden to the dictates of the past. For this, we need to become free of old karma which seeks to hold us back.
In a lecture on freedom and love, (given on 4.18.09), Rudolf Steiner speaks of the urgent need to support free creative activity in the moral sphere. It takes much love to overcome and transform the obstacles of unredeemed karma.
Perhaps we are thrown together in schools and other organizations with the express challenge to do this redemptive work together.
As we approach the 100th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s death on March 30, 2025, we could collectively resolve to do our own ‘truth and reconciliation’ work regarding anthroposophy and the remarkable human being who brought it to the earth for our present time.
Rather than using old thought habits of criticism and polarization, do we have the courage to use ‘beginners eyes’ to see the good, beautiful and true in anthroposophy, our schools and each other? Do our thoughts, words and deeds diminish or raise us up?
Most of all, may March 30th inspire gratitude towards the deeds born out of freedom. If one has been touched by Waldorf education, biodynamic produce, Camphill communities, anthroposophical medicine, eurythmy and the other arts, and the amazing people who are inspired by anthroposophy, let us give voice to our gratitude on March 30 and beyond. As with love, there is no such thing as being too grateful.
Torin M Finser, PhD
Professor, Antioch University
Director, CfA Waldorf Leadership Development: