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Waldorf News

HiBAR co-founders and Waldorf parents drawn together by sense of purpose

Their children attended the City of Lakes Waldorf School in Minneapolis. When Nora saw fellow parent Ward Johnson in the school parking lot one day, she chased him down. She knew he had recently sold his business, a natural pet food company, and that he had a good business head on his shoulders. The three of them started brainstorming about business ideas, and soon bumped into another Waldorf parent, Dion Hughes, at a social gathering. Nora said, “Dion had just come back from a vacation, a trip to Mexico, where he’d seen plastic strewn beaches first-hand. He was very motivated to start working for environmental change. Dion is a creative brand builder, an inventive thinker, and a brilliant marketer. Before we knew it, we had our leadership team.” More »

Marion Blumenthal Lazan: Author and Holocaust Survivor visits Waldorf School of Garden City

Marion Blumenthal Lazan, author of Four Perfect Pebbles and one of a dwindling number of remaining Holocaust survivors, visited The Waldorf School of Garden City on November 16th to share her experiences with our middle and high school students. The presentation held students and faculty in rapt attention as they listened to her story of survival, hope, and her plea for young people to continue to share these stories with future generations to ensure that atrocities like this never happen again to anyone. Her positive message of love and respect for all people was well received and her upbeat demeanor admirable after enduring such a horrific period in history. More »

What does tech take from us? Meet the writer who has counted 100 big losses

We have never been more reliant on the internet – yet Pamela Paul still gets DVDs in the post and buys CD players. Why? Because we have lost more to the digital era than we realise, she says Pamela Paul must be one of the last subscribers to the branch of Netflix that allows its users to see films via the stone-age practice of receiving DVDs in the post. I know this because, two days after we talk, she sends me a blurry photograph of her last hire – The Anniversary Party, a 2001 comedy starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Alan Cumming – along with a Q&A she did for the New York Times, about the art of what she calls “sliding backward on tech”. Its basic point is summarised in one of Paul’s characteristic bits of aphoristic wisdom: “In general, when I hear the phrase ‘There’s an app for that’, my first question is: ‘Does there need to be?’” More »

The Making of Abiding Heart Education: Beyond Contemplative Education

In 2000, a nascent Abiding Heart Education began its journey with the establishment of my first school in Nepal, Tashi Waldorf School, which integrated Waldorf methodology with Himalayan cultural heritage. Tibetan Buddhism was central to the school’s curriculum due to the primary importance of supporting and nurturing the connection between displaced Tibetan and high Himalayan students and their linguistic and cultural heritage. At Tashi Waldorf school I also developed a Tibetan Buddhist curriculum that encompassed meditation, Buddhist morning prayers and offerings, Buddhist education, Buddhist festivals and also featured Tibetan language, music, folklore and drama. More »

A Forest-based Yard Improved Children's Immune Systems in Only a Month

An experimental study coordinated by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) showed, for the first time in the world, that the immune system of daycare children of three to five years improved its regulation when forest undergrowth, lawn turf and planter boxes were added to yard areas of daycare centres. A high level of hygiene, an urban lifestyle and an insufficient contact with nature reduce diversity in the organ system’s microbes. Homogeneity in microbes increases the risk of disorders in the immune system, such as atopy, diabetes, the coeliac disease and allergies. More »

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