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Tech Is Rewiring Education – And Our Children, Too

A few years ago, when he was eight, my son Isaac was diagnosed with dysgraphia, a relatively understudied learning disability that makes handwriting incredibly challenging. The psychologist who assessed him apologized, saying, “It’s very new. We don’t know much about it,” and then offered brightly, “but technology is so amazing now, it really won’t affect him.” “What about university?” I asked. “What about when he needs to take notes, or write an exam?” “He can have a keyboard,” she said, reassuringly. But the idea that my son wouldn’t be able to jot down a shopping list, or would never sit down and scribble out a love letter was somehow unacceptable. Call me nostalgic, but the technology fix was an uncomfortable consolation. More »

Steiner’s Three Objectives for Writing in First Grade 

Rudolf Steiner gives three objectives for writing (composition) in first grade, but some Waldorf teachers do not know what they are, much less how to teach them. The answer to both is Kid Writing. It teaches students to read by teaching them to write (compose).  Steiner’s Three Objectives for Writing  In 1919, Steiner presented the curriculum to the first Waldorf faculty. He concluded with Three Lectures on the Curriculum. In it, he gives three objectives for writing for first grade:  Students can write down simple dictations. Students can compose things themselves.  Students can read what they write down. More »

Finding The Best International Dating Sites

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The Lakota Waldorf School: Our children must walk with the Lakota language and Lakota way of life

South Dakota is the land of the great Lakota Nation. The Pine Ridge Reservation, home of the Oglala (Scatter Their Own) Lakota Sioux Tribe, is one of nine Indian reservations in the state and the home of approximately 40,000 Oglala Lakota. The Pine Ridge Reservation is situated within Shannon County where the per capita income makes it the second poorest county in the US with an average annual income of $3,700.00 and an unemployment rate of over 80%. Residents suffer from serious illnesses; diabetes, heart disease and chronic health conditions occur at levels vastly disproportionate to the national average. The life expectancy rate on the reservation is 48 years for men and 52 years for women. The school dropout rate is over 70%; the incidence of teen suicide is 150% above the national average. Even in 2011 there are still residents on the reservation without plumbing, kitchen facilities and electricity. Despite these harsh conditions, poverty and suppression, the Lakota people still proudly live a rich culture, work toward maintaining the cultural heritage and toward the revival of their language. Nowadays only about 4% of the Lakota are fluent Lakota speakers and most of these speakers are over 50 years old. Their language will disappear if schools don’t start with immersion programs implementing the Lakota language into the curriculum. More »

"Our schools gave us the strength to row the Atlantic" The MacLean brothers set three world records when they rowed across the Atlantic – and say they have their schools to thank

Our first school was a Rudolph Steiner school in Edinburgh. Steiner schools are famous for a more holistic approach to learning – children don’t learn to read until seven and aren’t bogged down with the stress of exams until 14. Instead, kids are given more space to be outside climbing trees, making dens and generally exploring a more creative side of the brain. All three of us were formally taught gardening, knitting and an alternative dance called eurythmy until the age of 12. While this may sound quite controversial, it gave us a love of the outdoors and being active. More »

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