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Waldorf News

COVID-19 and our existential crisis

Looking outside at 7:30 each morning, I no longer see the yellow school bus that has appeared regularly for years and years.  All local gatherings are cancelled, and many local stores have sold out on basic products. Thanks to various news outlets, we see images of Rome, Madrid and other cities around the world totally deserted. More than a “news event”, this is an existential crisis that begs a larger question:  What is going on? Waldorf high school students are taught to look beyond the presented information, and practice symptomatology.  The human spirit yearns for understanding that goes beyond what is incessantly presented in the news; we are in search of meaning as never before. More »

Instead of rote learning useless facts, children should be taught wellbeing: To equip young people to face the challenges of the 21st century, they need to understand their minds and bodies

In his treatise on the future of humanity, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, the philosopher-historian Yuval Noah Harari offers the young people of today some advice. In order to survive and thrive in adulthood, they should not rely on traditional academic skills such as solving equations or learning computer code. These will soon become obsolete in a world in which computers can perform such techniques more quickly and accurately than humans. All information-based jobs, in fields as diverse as journalism and medicine, will be under threat by 2050. More »

'The world is changing now': why education and climate activism go hand in hand: For students and universities, tackling the climate crisis is a shared responsibility

With sustainability-focused postgraduate courses ranging from agroforestry to engineering, the choice is now vast. “Sustainability is no longer just for biologists and geographers,” says Iain Patton, chief executive of the Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education, who recently launched the Climate Commission for UK Higher and Further Education Leaders with 40 vice-chancellors and principals from UK institutions plus students working together to meet net-zero targets. “Yes, we need environmental specialists but everyone needs a baseline carbon literacy and understanding of sustainability.” Thanks to youth climate activism, Patton has noticed a huge shift in postgraduate education. “The world is changing now,” he says. “This is really significant. Students will deliver carbon-literacy training, influence institutional leadership and have positive impacts on postgraduate curriculum design. What we currently have is broken – we need innovative new approaches.” More »

The Purpose of Education by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character–that is the goal of true education. The complete education gives one not only power of concentration, but worthy objectives upon which to concentrate. The broad education will, therefore, transmit to one not only the accumulated knowledge of the race but also the accumulated experience of social living. If we are not careful, our colleges will produce a group of close-minded, unscientific, illogical propagandists, consumed with immoral acts. Be careful, “brethren!” Be careful, teachers! More »

The First Waldorf Kindergarten: The Beginnings of Our Waldorf Early Childhood Movement

The first “official” Waldorf kindergarten opened at the first Waldorf School in Stuttgart in 1926, a year and a half after the death of Rudolf Steiner. However, there was actually an early first attempt that is less known. I have looked through various articles, unpublished manuscripts and notes from conversations to piece together the following story of the very beginnings of our Waldorf early childhood movement:  Even before the opening of the first Waldorf School in 1919, Rudolf Steiner had spoken about the importance of the first seven years of life and his regret that the class teachers would receive the children only after this formative period was complete. More »

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