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FREE Workshop with Kim John Payne: “Emotional Self-Regulation for Parents”

Simplicity Parenting author, Kim John Payne, is holding a new free workshop next week in celebration of the release of his newest book, “Being at Your Best When Your Kids Are at Their Worst: Practical Compassion in Parenting.” Emotional self-regulation is such an important topic for parents, and what better time to talk about it than at the beginning of a new school year. The workshop begins Monday, September 9th, and it's an online, video/audio-based workshop, so there’s no set time for the sessions. You can watch/listen whenever it works for you. More »

Why Social Media is Ruining Your Relationships: Consider social media’s role in modern life, its ability to mold relationships, and how it impacts an individual’s self-image.

How would you define a friend? Is it someone you could turn to no matter what? Just call my name and I’ll be there? Or is it someone who you’re in near-constant contact with, speaking to all day, every day? Is it the person you’ve got the longest “Snapstreak” (chatted on Snapchat for over three days straight) with? How much one-on-one time do you have together? And what are your conversations like – deeply engaged and empathetic, or more interrupted and punctuated into bite-size snippets? The impact that social media is having on all of our relationships, spanning our families, friends and romantic couplings to our very relationships with ourselves, has been fundamentally altered by the way we use our devices to communicate with each other. What we now need from our networks is in flux, and the very nature of friendship and the foundations on which we believe they should be based have changed almost beyond recognition. The question is: is social media enhancing our social lives, or is it doing the exact opposite? More »

Teen Angler Advocates for Wild Fish and Mindful Fishing

When Sam Christman, a high school student at Sacramento Waldorf School, saw the trailer for the documentary “Artifishal”, it really hit home. The film documents threats facing our waters and wild fish, so the avid catch-and-release fisherman excitedly showed it to a friend, but his friend didn’t understand why it mattered. Sam realized that he had to bring this video to Sacramento. He coordinated the event with his favorite teachers, Dr. Gruhn and Mr. Pugh, reached out to local businesses for support and raffle prizes, and set up a screening in the auditorium of his school, which not-so-coincidentally borders the American River. More »

Waldorf School plants 500 trees in burned forest: Near McKenzie Pass in Oregon

As part of the celebration of 100 Years of Waldorf Education and in conjunction with the GreenBee Wildlife Web Initiative, students and communities across the globe will be planting trees and establishing beetending programs and pollination gardens.  On May 31, in partnership with the US Forest Service in Sisters, the sixth-grade students at the Waldorf School of Bend, their teacher, Thom Routt and parent volunteers planted 500 trees on about three acres of burned forest from the McKenzie Pass fire in 2017.  Not only is this a learning experience, but we now have a designated area where the students can return to witness the outcome of their efforts. Fostering environmental stewardship is a community value we hold very dearly at the Waldorf School of Bend. More »

What would the ultimate child-friendly city look like?

Imagine you are 10 years old. You live in a medium-sized city and want to visit your best friend, a five-minute walk away, so you can go to the park, another 10 minutes’ walk. The problem is, there’s a big, dangerous road between you and your friend, and another between them and the park. You ask your parents if you can walk, they say no, and they are too busy to take you there themselves. Perhaps you SnapChat your friend instead, perhaps you play a video game on the sofa. You’ve lost out on exercise and time outside, interacting with your neighbourhood and, of course, play time with your friend. This is the reality for many kids today – but it doesn’t have to be this way. More »

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