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Teen girls’ chemical exposure plummets after switching to better beauty products

New study shows that after just 3 days of using makeup, shampoos and lotions free of hormone-disrupting chemicals, levels dropped up to 45 percent. While the European Union has banned thousands of ingredients from being used in personal care products due to safety concerns, the United States FDA has banned a total of 11. Leaving the cosmetics industry to police itself is an interesting tactic; the result being that the things we buy to use on our bodies are often chock full of ingredients that may not be so great for us. It seems nothing short of a travesty, but here we are. Getting data about health effects from exposure to chemicals is not easy, but there is growing evidence linking a certain family of chemicals, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, to neurobehavioral problems, obesity and cancer cell growth, say the authors of a new study comparing body chemical levels with usage of chemical-containing products. The researchers, from the University of California, Berkeley, and Clinica de Salud del Valle de Salinas, say that the issue may be even more urgent for women, and especially teens. More »

The Wood Harmony Art Event: Inviting you to be a part of the Loheland Waldorf School's Waldorf 100 Celebration. Help create a worldwide Waldorf soundscape in Loheland, Germany.

Waldorf education is 100 years old next year. The Waldorf School in Loheland, Germany has a great idea to involve Waldorf schools and initiatives from around the world to create a soundscape at their school. Everyone can join in and everyone's invited. More »

The Moveable Classroom

Picture a first grader. Boundless energy, constantly moving, full of questions and ideas. Now picture a regular First Grade classroom. Neat First-Grader-sized desks lined up in rows, still and containing. What happens when you plop the First graders into these strict desks? Energy comes out in fidgets, wiggles, or slouching. They can, at times, have a hard time focusing. They can’t wait for the moment the teacher tells them to push their desks to the back of the room to make space for Circle. What if there were a way to match the composition of the classroom with the development of the child to maximize their learning? Meet the Moveable Classroom. More »

A neuroscientist who studies decision-making reveals the most important choice you can make

According to Moran Cerf, a neuroscientist at Northwestern University who has been studying decision-making for over a decade, the surest way to maximize happiness has nothing to do with experiences, material goods, or personal philosophy. It's all about who you decide to spend time with. But "it's not just advice to choose your friends carefully," Cerf told Business Insider. There are two premises that lead Cerf to believe personal company is the most important factor for long-term satisfaction. The first is that decision-making is tiring. A great deal of research has found that humans have a limited amount of mental energy to devote to making choices. Picking our clothes, where to eat, what to eat when we get there, what music to listen to, whether it should actually be a podcast, and what to do in our free time all demand our brains to exert that energy on a daily basis. (Cerf has actually made it a personal policy to always pick the second menu item on the list of specials when he's out to eat, for just that reason.) The second premise is that humans falsely believe they are in full control of their happiness by making those choices. So long as we make the right choices, the thinking goes, we'll put ourselves on a path toward life satisfaction. More »

Don’t keep cell phones next to your body, California Health Department warns

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued a warning against the hazards of cellphone radiation this week. Yes, the thing we are all addicted to and can’t seem to put down is leaking electromagnetic radiation and now California has some guidance to safeguard the public. The CDPH asks people to decrease their use of these devices and suggests keeping your distance when possible. “Although the science is still evolving, there are concerns among some public health professionals and members of the public regarding long-term, high use exposure to the energy emitted by cell phones,” said CDPH director Dr. Karen Smith. The warning comes after findings were offered up this week More »

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