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Why This Skeptical Engineer Trusts Waldorf Education

As a long-time professor of industrial and systems engineering—and the parent of three children who have attended Waldorf schools—I have been asked for years about the ability of the Waldorf curriculum to produce engineers and scientists, professions that are valued in a world defined by ever advancing technology. In 1995, I was in my third year of graduate stud­ies at Georgia Tech, the leading school in my field. That year I also met my lovely wife Karen, who introduced me to Waldorf education. The word “skeptical” only begins to describe my reaction to a pedagogy that emphasizes movement, music, and the visual arts. But, being a curious student, I listened to Karen, attended lectures, and tried to learn. Eventually I conceded that Waldorf seemed to be a great idea, albeit only for kindergartners. More »

What Happened to a Blade of Grass: An Advent Story by Eugene Schwartz

It was in mid-November that a challenging bullying issue arose in my fourth grade class. There were no physical threats, but one boy with an especially sharp tongue was hurling insults at a sensitive and insecure classmate whenever he had the chance. Loki’s vituperative downfall would not be part of our story content for several more months, and I had to take some measures immediately. Having been asked to speak at the Green Meadow Waldorf School’s Advent Assembly, I created this “pedagogical story” for the school, for my class, and especially for the bully and his victim. There are “experts” who claim that telling pedagogical stories is no longer an effective antidote to social problems, but I beg to differ. Try this story for yourself. More »

Is technology in schools making our kids smarter?

"Show me one study that shows a Chromebook in first grade, second grade, or third grade, leads to better educational outcomes in middle school or high school. There isn't any," says Dr. Kardaras. "I would think there are some benefits at the older ages. Kindergarten through elementary school I really see absolutely no benefit and actually quite a bit of clinical neurological damage.” "We know that neurologically there's been over 15 brain imaging studies that show that the frontal cortex, which is the executive functioning, actually atrophies and shrinks with exposure to screens in a similar way that it does with chronic substance addiction,” Dr. Kardaras continues. More »

'Our minds can be hijacked': the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia

“One reason I think it is particularly important for us to talk about this now is that we may be the last generation that can remember life before,” Rosenstein says. It may or may not be relevant that Rosenstein, Pearlman and most of the tech insiders questioning today’s attention economy are in their 30s, members of the last generation that can remember a world in which telephones were plugged into walls. It is revealing that many of these younger technologists are weaning themselves off their own products, sending their children to elite Silicon Valley schools where iPhones, iPads and even laptops are banned. They appear to be abiding by a Biggie Smalls lyric from their own youth about the perils of dealing crack cocaine: never get high on your own supply. More »

Four Unique Aspects of a Waldorf Kindergarten

Why does it feel so different, so special, in a Waldorf Kindergarten?  There is a peaceful quiet under the hum of activity and focus, the teachers speak and sing softly and the children move about the room with a comfortable confidence at any given moment. There are many things that contribute to this unique setting, including the natural classroom design, the smell of fresh bread or soup, or the way the teachers move about the room doing purposeful work. There is also a deeper level of social, emotional and academic learning in the Waldorf Kindergarten that is a pervasive undercurrent in the daily rhythm of our early childhood classrooms. More »

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