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Waldorf News

Chinese Thought

Pioneering Waldorf teacher and poet Ningyuan Yu recently taught an elective block in Chinese History and Philosophy – a vast topic for just one block! Students experienced aspects of Chinese culture through movement, song, art, poetry, mapping and puzzles. The difference between Chinese thinking and American thinking, says Ning, can be felt in simple yet profound elements of daily life, such as the way parts of speech are ordered in a sentence or the use of numbers in decision-making. More »

Why Did Waldorf Middle School Students Beat Hopkins Engineers at Their Own Game?

A group of 4 middle school girls from the Waldorf School of Baltimore earned an honor they will never forget. After besting seven middle school teams at designing a structure made entirely of marshmallows and spaghetti, they topped that achievement by winning First Place against Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering students and alumni. More »

Screentime Is Making Kids Moody, Crazy and Lazy: Six Ways electronic screen time makes kids angry, depressed and unmotivated

Children or teens who are “revved up” and prone to rages or—alternatively—who are depressed and apathetic have become disturbingly commonplace. Chronically irritable children are often in a state of abnormally high arousal, and may seem “wired and tired.” That is, they’re agitated but exhausted. Because chronically high arousal levels impact memory and the ability to relate, these kids are also likely to struggle academically and socially. At some point, a child with these symptoms may be given a mental-health diagnosis such as major depression, bipolar disorder, or ADHD, and offered corresponding treatments, including therapy and medication. But often these treatments don’t work very well, and the downward spiral continues. More »

Working with the First Waldorf School in Madagascar

I recently returned from a 16 day visit to Madagascar where I was invited to work with the first school working out of Waldorf impulses on this island nation. It was a beautiful and transformative experience for the teachers there who have built this thriving school from the ground up and for me as well. More »

A Charter School’s Perspective

Is it possible for a public Waldorf charter school to reflect the same depth, joy, magic and artistic as well as academic excellence as a private Waldorf School? Can a public charter develop a classroom culture that is equal in its manifold layers to what we find in the private sector? Can public charter teachers take on the mantle of the Waldorf teacher with its demanding, yet rich inner life and equally demanding active outer life? Although many think that the jury is still out, those of us who work in these public charter schools would reply with a resounding Yes! Let’s take the case of Juniper Ridge Community School. Juniper Ridge is a K-8 charter school in its third year of operation. We are located in Grand Junction, a small town on the sparsely populated Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains. More »

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